Welcome to The Revolution-of-Consciousness

…your resource for the Ancient Wisdom of Inner Alchemy!

You may be wondering wtf is that?!@#$

Inner Alchemy (IA) (the opposite of AI) is the knowledge and understanding of how the Universe works.. as above so below.

IA is more than manisftstion, more than the law of attraction.

IA is unraveling the multiple layers, dimensions, planes of existence. IA allows for better control of Reality.. sublimating the material world and spiritual realm, together unfolding meaning, greater Purpose with cosmic divinity…

Hi. My name is Craig Walker, my friends call me ‘Sky’. I would like to share how I learned how to experience ‘the Spirit Realm’.

Mystical experiences have been testified by millions across time or culture. Severe trauma and drugs also can induce these experiences. Prophets and sages are still venerated  many establishing whole civilizations upon there teachings and wisdom.

These ‘mystical experiences ‘ are meant to be part of our understanding, for growth inothe eternal journey of our souls.

First with Intention, then by study, understanding and practice, we can start controlling our destinies, actually controlling our fste.

This ancient wisdom is the knowledge of the Self and the Universe, explained through METAPHORS, and is achieved by internal investigation, starting with meditation.

These ‘mystical’ experiences can easily be attained by anyone, through a combination of understanding, breathing exercises, and focused observation.

Three main traditions which are very similar in explaination are Daoist Neidan, Tibetan Tummo, and different Yogas of India including Kriya and Kundalini practices. All these schools language describe the subtle sensation to focus on and feel.

I will explain the symbolic terms into what I believe are there rough western terms of the body’s nervous, endocrine and organ systems.

These techniques open our consciousness to have out-of-body experiences, lucid dreaming, past life recollections, healing powers and more!

But… it is truly the metaphysical revelations from the knowledge, which unfold the matrix of Reality, and the power of our Conscious Collective.

I learned it all over 25 years of study and practice. Doing different yogas, breath work, training, with thousands of hours in still meditation.

It’s all done by understanding how the body works, whether that is in ancient symbolic language of chakras or modern western physiological terms… ‘It’ is a science of observation.

Then with correct knowledge, you follow the subtle sensations of the body, with intention.. and if done correctly, you will first witness the subtle sensations. But after combining some of these ‘intentions’, then more experiences are gained.

George Gurdjieff is famous for claiming that modern people are in asleep to their ‘true potential’. Plato’s ‘Allegory of the Cave’ is another metaphor of the difference ‘layers’ people are unconscious to. The concept of ‘Gestalt’ from the great German traditions… all try to articulate the different layers of Reality.

Media, learned behaviors and dogmas are ‘vasanas’, or impressions, which keep us limited to the different layers of Reality, and our eternal souls’ Divine Purpose. Unaware of the Spiritual layers of Reality.

The world has been waking up to the ignorance we have been suffering to. And, the more knowledge and understanding we have, the more we can realize our true potential and Purpose.

Humanity has entered a new era of technology, communication and understanding, towards a world WITHOUT suffering and suppression…

Our souls, sits as the controller of God’s organic greatest machine we know of. This ‘machine’ allows us to experience or ‘witness’ this ‘material ‘ world and other souls for a short time on tbis planet.

Just like we are the creators of our dreams, we create our lives. Every soul is said to be the ‘creator’ of the Reality they perceive. All our thoughts, words and actions are what create our Reality, which is only limited by what we understand.

The only ‘freedom’ we need, is from the ignorance that we are not in control of our lives. We have options. We have preconceived limits. We are living poor lives by making excuses for our sorrows. The only escape from this eternal cycle of suffering is, by understanding the wisdom ‘know thyself’.

The Reality we are born into has been controlled by a series of action, which involves many other souls, together generating our shared Reality.

The True Knowledge that can remove the ignorance of this controlled world, are free to anyone who cares to investigate.

Today’s society celebrates and focuses only on material pleasures with mottos like ‘you only live once’, and nihilistic media and entertainment.

Humanity’s roots and ancient civilizations were formed with the Knowledge of the ‘Spirit Realm’.

This spiritual dimension is observable but currently undetectable to science. The spirit dimension is a very subtle energy, which can only be realized by our spirits, and is said to animate the material world with conscious Life.

The ancient Wisdom knew that every creature and creation possessed a soul or spirit. Every plant, animal and even locations and times, were created from a divine ‘higher power’ which was the Source of all creation.

This realization of the miracle of existence has been lost and forgotten by the powers of corrupt Institutions like religions and ‘scientific’ theories.

Only two civilizations and their Knowledge remain intact from our ancient history, China and India. The oldest religion of China is known as Daoism, and that Of India is called Samkhya. Both of these ancient religions describe our individual soul and consciousness as a direct part of God, and both have detailed descriptions of what God, the Universe, Reality and our Soul are.

Both of these schools of thought discuss different energies within our bodies and throughout the Universe. Both cultures agree on similar ways we can harness these energies to unlock our super-human abilities and Realizations. Both discuss these systems in symbolic language to describe what is said to be indescribable.

China names these energy channels in our bodies the Meridians, and in India they are called the Nadis. Both of these cultures have detailed ways to feel, channel and store these cosmic energies within the body, which can give us the higher realizations of both the physical and spiritual realities.

These energies of the ‘spirit realm’ have been persecuted and destroyed by history and has left our modern civilizations with a meaningless existence. Some people know these Realizations by instinct and natural feeling of these unchanging Truths.

Unfortunately, most people have a closed mind to these realizations because they have never ‘experienced’ them. But, the billions of testimonials across the planet and history have kept this Wisdom and Reality accessible to anyone who cares to investigate these hidden Truths.

We live in an exceptional time in the evolution of our species where Knowledge and communication is finally accessible to everyone on the planet. Religions across the globe have prophesied of these times when the proliferation of knowledge and the ‘end of times’, when the world will awaken to Truth.

The world is finally waking up to the ignorance we have been subjected to for thousands of years. The world has been conquered by separating and dividing us from each other under the common connection we all share. It is the division and separation from this Spirit Realm and God and is finally being exposed.

With the correct knowledge and understanding of how these energies and systems work, everyone is capable of experiencing these other dimensions of Reality, and can give us the Truth of the miracle forces at play in existence.

The only time tested and guaranteed method of experiencing these Truths is found through meditation.

By focusing on these different subtle sensations within and outside ourselves, and sharpening our minds on intention and observation, we can understand how the body works, heals itself and many other realizations.

In Western medical terms, these subtle sensations are the chemical and electrical interactions of the nervous and endocrine systems, which our bodies regulate normally without conscious notice. But once these sensations are understood, they can be strengthened and controlled at will.

But this is not the ultimate Truth to bring true enlightenment. Greater than any realizations we can have within our bodies, and the the true goal is Union with the Greater Power of God and the Universe of all creation. And with this realization we can more easily control our Fate and the Reality we all share.

We all share this reality together and it is only by the common Good we all know in our souls, of Love, happiness and opportunity are the only Truth that can bring peace and prosperity to our world.

Knowledge is Power and it is time that Truth can shed Light on to the Darkness of this world.

Is the Power in you and ready to be set free?

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